Author Topic: bronkx being rude to RT  (Read 16232 times)

May 05, 2018, 09:39:48
Read 16232 times


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  • montaser.7156
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you saying a lot of shit about my guild and attacking my members like this a lot do you tihnk cus you get admin you can do shiit with me ? man you gonna just hurt your self :) not gonna say much just be careful :)

May 05, 2018, 10:30:42
Reply #1


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you saying a lot of shit about my guild and attacking my members like this a lot do you tihnk cus you get admin you can do shiit with me ? man you gonna just hurt your self :) not gonna say much just be careful :)

What i saying in game have no Conflicte to the TS or Forum......
There is Democrasy at the Game ......

as long as i dont say that stuff here or in Ts while im in any channel that ok by the Rules of TS+Forum....
Im not Admin of Anet.... or GW2
only Admin in Ts+Forum...
Name: Dave
Guild Leader: Yaks Only Live Once [YOLO]

May 05, 2018, 11:39:11
Reply #2


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You're still a representative so you should act accordingly.

May 06, 2018, 03:52:24
Reply #3


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OMG I'M FUMING  >:( >:( >:( >:( !!!! This behaviour is unacceptable from an admin and a representative of the FSP server  >:( >:( >:(  !!!!! I am really dissappointed in your behaviour Bronkx  :-\  ... This is not how REAL COMMANDERS should behave even if it's in-game or on the ts/forums!!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


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