Author Topic: TS Clean-Up (23.9) & Maintenance (24-25.9)  (Read 27625 times)

September 17, 2016, 13:44:26
Read 27625 times


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Hello FSP & linked World reader!

We've to announce 2 points which are important to everyone:

TS-Clean up:
First of all we're planing to clean up the Teamspeak, especially the channels. We want to bring more structure and clear overwiew in teamspeak while to erase dead channel. We already made the list of channels which are inactive since older 7 or more days, so we can monitor which channels become suddenly active before we delete the channels.

The clean-up will start in the evening at friday before the reset starts -> 23.9.2016!

Emergency Maintenance:
Due the massive lag increase in the past days, the admin (Alwies and me) are planing to do a emergency maintenance and try to rebuild the TS-server. We're still monitoring why we've such massive laggs, especially when the hardware power (CPU, ram, ...) got increased on friday and it became more laggy in the unlogical way.
For the time during the maintenance, the FSP server is NOT usable and please use the KALE-Ts (from Nora) meanwhile! She is informed and you are allowed to use the Teamspeak of KALE!


The Maintenance begins at sunday, 18.9.2016!! maybe the monday included.


EDIT-18.09.2016: The maintenance will be postponed to next weekend, 24-25.9.2016. There are new setting which we want to test out for next friday since the friday is mostly the only day that creates heavy lagg issues. Your help is welcome too! If you track some high packet loss or lag issue, then note the date & time when it happened and send the information to us (Alwies , Turtle).

We removed all avatars and disabled the re-upload for functional increasing of fsp server.

Best regards,

Admin team
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 11:41:41 by Turtle »

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