Author Topic: FSP ac's open field battle.  (Read 66229 times)

December 01, 2015, 10:09:34
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the image above is one of your commander stence using an ac in an open field fight in which he outnumbers us close to 30 men to 10,I know yourserver is heavily against such practices as a server that bases it self of good fights so thought i'd bring it to your attention

December 01, 2015, 10:20:11
Reply #1


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I see an AC inside a what's wrong?

December 01, 2015, 10:21:14
Reply #2

Lokar Yakslapper

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I wouldnt define that as an open field fight? but that's just me.

Also I don't think anybody truly cares as now we are getting some much wanted PPT

December 01, 2015, 10:23:10
Reply #3


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He wasnt using it to defend the keep though, just to farm bags outside the keep, if thats what fsp want to become known for, ppt then go for it, become the new SFR, but from what i was told that was the last thing you wanted.

December 01, 2015, 10:38:01
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well, first of all, im not sure if a ag player is the right one to judge other servers for using siege.
you guys are masters on that term.
secondly, a commander can't stop random players to build or use siege.
(for me it looks like you guys not just came there and got in sight of that ac - rather it looks like you were attacking the keep and some fsp tried to defend, maybe with that ac, commander + pug army arrived later to the keep...)

as you mentioned already there were 30fsp and like 10ag?
from the fights in the past, last week + last days, you should know that fsp doesn't need siege to fight your guilds/ blobs.

about ppt, fsp is not comfortable with the quality of the fights in that tier, so we need to climb up again to higher tiers.

<correct me if im wrong, about the ppt part>

i don't get why you came here to discuss that picture :D
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 10:42:32 by DeadParrot »

December 01, 2015, 10:38:51
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This is not pevepe chat nonoiclean... Go cry somewhere else. You are the guy that said we were using lag hacks to beat you... Lol.

December 01, 2015, 10:41:24
Reply #6


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This is not pevepe chat nonoiclean... Go cry somewhere else. You are the guy that said we were using lag hacks to beat you... Lol.

not only lag hacks  ::)

December 01, 2015, 10:42:28
Reply #7


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stence built the ac, it was also him manning it, number two, i told you this because fsp is known for being good at actually fighting, not hiding behind an ac, as someone who moved from sfr, i respect people enough not to build siege when we out number them. I came here to discuss this picture because i thought your server was better than using siege to farm when you already outnumber someone. I could quite easily have built a counter AC or two there and then, but chose not too, also when I havent actually commanded against you at prime etc this week id suggest refraining from judging my ability as a commander in comparison with other individual commanders on the server.

December 01, 2015, 10:43:27
Reply #8

Lokar Yakslapper

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I do admire you for bringing forward this issue to help us keep our reputation instead of wanting your keep back!! You're definitely not purely here to have us complain at Stence while he is doing a great job to the server... right? oh..

If you know he is there to farm bags outside the keep, why are you outside the keep being farmed? On a more important note, that's a nice cow's butt in the bottom-left.

December 01, 2015, 10:45:06
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because he wasnt originally farming us, i was killing his players, so he built the AC.

December 01, 2015, 10:45:58
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the image above is one of your commander stence using an ac in an open field fight in which he outnumbers us close to 30 men to 10,I know yourserver is heavily against such practices as a server that bases it self of good fights so thought i'd bring it to your attention

December 01, 2015, 10:46:08
Reply #11


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i told you this because fsp is known for being good at actually fighting, not hiding behind an ac

even if its true, i can't tell cuz i wasn't there myself, just move to a nearly location to continue the fight, fsp needs to do that allot against ag the last days...

w/ever - im done here

December 01, 2015, 10:46:42
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*Summons Stence* how dare he even own an AC, he will be Hung, Drawn and Quartered for this outrageous offence.

In all seriousness, it ain't open field it's placed inside a keep, (people do tend to use siege inside keeps while defending), infact earlier on in the evening while we were poking at the keep i literally couldnt see my hand infront of my face the amount of arrows raining down on me, it looked like every man and his dog was on an AC and ur complaining about 1 that even looks unmanned? 

I'd go as far as to say I don't think you were outmanned as much as u say u are, FSP have slightly more yes but not 30:10 ratio.  Mind FSP does have that effect on occasions, where 10 FSP feel like a 30 man guild raid.  I wasn't there but it looks like u used siege to break down walls from Langor? if so would have been a really easy task to take down an unmanned AC.  you were right near spawn where FSP was some distance from theirs a quick kami run into AC and respawn ur dead would have been a quick solution too.  Or even better solution would be to not moan about a single unmanned AC that was placed "inside" a keep to defend it, if we had been any of the other 26 servers EU, I guarantee that AC would have been manned along with many more.

I think the main issue here was that it was your keep that was being defended against you.
Any opinions I have, are mine alone and not those of the guild I represent

December 01, 2015, 10:47:32
Reply #13


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it was a minimum of 25 as orange swords were up, and as you can see in the image, i have 10 players

December 01, 2015, 10:48:19
Reply #14

Lokar Yakslapper

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Why would you not build two counter AC's though? You're apparently outnumbered 30:10 and we have one AC up. Furthermore it's your keep and we were ticking 650 earlier. Would argue to do whatever it costs to get that keep back and kill our zerg?


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