What is new?We have added a lot of new features for the new site and a lot more will follow soon!
- New way of authentication on the forum,
- Video's on the forum
We now have a dedicate page for uploading your awesome GuildWars 2 footage!
Currently it only supports upload of videos, however we plan on adding a comment section for each video soon.
- Guilds are now going to be a bigger part of the site with the integration of Guilds, check it out!- Forum customisation, click
here to find out.
What is to Come!?This is just the first milestone, we have a lot more to come in the following weeks
- Automatic Guild Assignment
Right now you as a guild leader, has to assign who is in your guild manually.
However a we have talked with a ArenaNet dev who says they plan on having the new Guilds API ready within a couple of weeks.
Once the API is out, we will make the process fully automatic as a part of the Authentication process.
- Video Comment Section
As mentioned earlier, we plan on adding a comment section to each video
- Display Guild Tag
This was just short of being ready. Expect it to be here within a day
- Teamspeak Authentication
Once we have made sure the authentication process works without any problems, we will integrate it with our Teamspeak server as well.
This should limit any potential spy problem we might have to only be possible by players who is actually on Far Shiverpeaks
Also it means we will no longer have to manually add people on TS when they ask in map chat...
Obligatory Bugfixes!We know there are a few hiccups here and there and more will probably be discovered in the next few days
If you happen to find a bug, please report it
Anything you would really like us to add?If you have any suggestions, big or small! feel free to send them to us
PS. if you can't be bothered with logging into Github, just post it as a reply to this thread,
however it is easier to manage this stuff there
Pro Tip
Use the

button at the bottom of the forum so every old post doesn't show up as new