Author Topic: Unreliable Administration of the Teamspeak Server  (Read 47266 times)

December 16, 2016, 10:13:44
Reply #15


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I find it quite odd how I have never seen Mr Pug Rep Dudu make any meaningful suggestions over here...

December 16, 2016, 10:24:04
Reply #16


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I would also like to add, who gives a shit if an admin is inactive from the game?

Is it the game that the person is administering, or the community forum and voice platforms?

Get real please and rather go cry at Anet for rekking their game!

December 16, 2016, 10:25:48
Reply #17


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You are the only one crying  about game being dead so I think you are on wrong forum.

December 16, 2016, 10:32:57
Reply #18


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You have misunderstood, what I said is that instead of crying about the lack of administration (umm, you are mod...) with the community platforms and quiet leadership from the community guild, you should rather go cry at Anet about players going inactive at a catastrophic rate!

But unfortunately, like the typical Hillary Clinton supporter, you are unable to see the real problem and rather want to change the insignificant.

December 16, 2016, 11:19:22
Reply #19


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You have misunderstood, what I said is that instead of crying about the lack of administration (umm, you are mod...) with the community platforms and quiet leadership from the community guild, you should rather go cry at Anet about players going inactive at a catastrophic rate!

But unfortunately, like the typical Hillary Clinton supporter, you are unable to see the real problem and rather want to change the insignificant.

Hey HellBound, you are right in my opintion but, even if we will go to Anet and fix the inactive problem and send them Report on it toghter all of us as Moderators+Admins+GC it wont be that many people that it will change there minde about it. like they sayed Anet before, it is look like that:
1.FSp have with out the link 90% at wvw
2.Deso - about 110% cuse they linked with vabi.
3.AM-i think they linked too so like 105% or it was anther server.

so biscley they dont care as long it over or almost over 100% cuse they see it as the server is alive and well and people go into wvw so they happy and they get alot of people that buying Gems to trasfer to anther server all days long so they agian benfit from it so they wont change a bit...
Also there is more to it but i dont have it in minde.
Also you need to understend somthing, for us the Players it is only a game we played when we have time off or wanna to, but for them Anet is there Jobs they get paide for it (pls dont say somthing about streamers that have like 30k+ viewers) so biscely they get paied we dont they need to benfit for them self and ofc for us as well cuse we are the clients in the end but they wanna to do it allways that they will be with the benfit of it and will get more then less then more XD, lets say that, if a company will get 200% Profit every single Monthe and then some client will ask for some changes and it will cost money or even will let the company gain less profite every monthe less so they will get now 150% or 180% they do not wanna that they wanna back the 200% or even more they allways afforde for more, so they wont do it.

Sorry about the long saying XDD :)
Name: Dave
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December 16, 2016, 12:09:19
Reply #20


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OMG Bronx is trying to quote skore,  what he said in reset meeting 3 weeks ago.
From what sources you take this percentages?

Again you talk just to be in this discution.
You really think a net is making profit from wvw? Of course your reason is not yours ,  you take others opinions that you hear in ts and come here to give us lectures.

December 16, 2016, 12:22:50
Reply #21


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At least the bitchfight is not in the shoutbox  ;D

Going back to the real topic of this thread
I'm also on the site that Turtle has to be replaced or taken off the admin team since he is inactive for quite some time already.
But with all the active Mods and the rest of the Admin team i dont think there needs to be a replacement at the moment cause it looks like.things ar running expect that in Hellbounds eyes we all are hillary clinton supporters (cmon Muller that one is getting old because of your excessive use of it)

December 16, 2016, 13:51:08
Reply #22


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You really think a net is making profit from wvw?
Gems are actually 2/3 of Anet's revenue.

Not everyone is that retarded to obsess over useless skins.

December 16, 2016, 13:55:05
Reply #23


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But with all the active Mods and the rest of the Admin team i dont think there needs to be a replacement at the moment cause it looks like.things ar running expect that in Hellbounds eyes we all are hillary clinton supporters (cmon Muller that one is getting old because of your excessive use of it)

People need to be made aware of how pathetic these zombies are and more should raise it.

December 16, 2016, 14:20:43
Reply #24


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Nah the rest of the admin team has been active and I believe they have been fair... its just to have a third person who is actually active to support Bezanus and Nora :D rather than to have the burden on only two people.... also turtle when voted for was active as an admin atleast or in some sort of way on the forum but ... from what many people have brought up hes even afk from that... which leaves the issue standing as a person who is not fulfilling his duty to the community.

Also since everyone is here already and my favorite fanboy hellpussycat is here ... the people have been complaining about lack of open tags during the day and activity so maybe we can retain activity by running some of docs legendary Karma trains and we can support commanders to tag up during the day with siege from FSPG ? or other suggestions can be made idk....
I'm not Dudu xD

December 16, 2016, 14:45:29
Reply #25


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December 16, 2016, 14:54:03
Reply #26


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Turtle's inactivity will be our downfall.

Raise your arms and fight !!!

December 16, 2016, 17:48:09
Reply #27


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I approve.

On topic tho.
I wanted to file a complaint about someone on ts behaving badly, however I got the message that I did not have rights to file a complaint. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

December 16, 2016, 18:42:45
Reply #28


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"the people have been complaining about lack of open tags during the day and activity so maybe we can retain activity by running some of docs legendary Karma trains and we can support commanders to tag up during the day with siege from FSPG ? or other suggestions can be made idk...."

lol if someone tags up as blue tag u wont support them at all... instead u do on same map an invissible squad and dont be at commander at all... at a map with 40 q...
same ohter shitguilds who have to do a guildraid for 1 h on eb... at prime on a map with 40q and commander who tags up cant fight...
and that shit is going on all day not to mention the people from 4 guilds who constanly whispering to tag down and u havent even started leading cause they sabotage u...

and u wonder why there are no bluetags...?

December 16, 2016, 19:01:43
Reply #29


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OMG Bronx is trying to quote skore,  what he said in reset meeting 3 weeks ago.
From what sources you take this percentages?

Again you talk just to be in this discution.
You really think a net is making profit from wvw? Of course your reason is not yours ,  you take others opinions that you hear in ts and come here to give us lectures.
1.i wasnt at the rest so GG. i didnt sayed it is all about wvw i sayed % the poplrstion in wvw in servers that make profite for anet but sure think what ever you like.
Name: Dave
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