Author Topic: Election Audit  (Read 96306 times)

January 22, 2017, 13:34:07
Reply #105


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What that query does is retrieve the distinct user accounts that voted.

What I am claiming is that one person can have multiple user accounts to vote with to manipulate the election result.

Where there are no proper IP address, MAC address, Hardware ID (hard drive or motherboard), or even bloody cookie checks the results are open for manipulation.

I am therefore challenging you to prove me wrong in my claim with physical evidence from the logged data.

Unique IP address verification is one measure to use, but even this is not reliable due frequent IP address changes by ISPs and VPN usage.

I don't know what you code with, but here are some hints....

January 22, 2017, 13:34:19
Reply #106


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Thread will be closed as soon admin elections end, with the OP being answered

January 22, 2017, 13:38:41
Reply #107


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Thread will be closed as soon admin elections end, with the OP being answered
Yes, end a very important election unverified and illegitimate.

You are the one who will be carrying that reputation.

January 22, 2017, 13:48:48
Reply #108

I Am Dansker

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What that query does is retrieve the distinct user accounts that voted.

What I am claiming is that one person can have multiple user accounts to vote with to manipulate the election result.

Where there are no proper IP address, MAC address, Hardware ID (hard drive or motherboard), or even bloody cookie checks the results are open for manipulation.

I am therefore challenging you to prove me wrong in my claim with physical evidence from the logged data.

Unique IP address verification is one measure to use, but even this is not reliable due frequent IP address changes by ISPs and VPN usage.

I don't know what you code with, but here are some hints....
The user is assuming the C# installation is running on the client. e.g imagine Terraria that is written in C# want to get your MAC Address, it can, because it is installed on your pc.
C# again and once again installed on the client.

As i said, unless a program developed by me (could be in C#) is installed on the client, there is no way to get that information

Honestly, it isn't that difficult to predict the outcome of the election, the people who win, will be the people who can motivate the most people to get on the forum and vote and in the case of guild leaders, that is an easy task.

January 22, 2017, 13:55:56
Reply #109

I Am Dansker

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Oh and about cookies, i think most people know how to clear cookies, so they definitely aren't reliable.

The only proof of authenticity available is the API Key, which proves they spent money on a GW2 account. Outside that, it is the internet, you can't do much else.

I am at least of the belief that Occam's razor is perfectly applicable in this instance.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 13:58:20 by I Am Dansker »

January 22, 2017, 14:15:24
Reply #110


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Regardless of William Occam perceiving to be very smart, you do not disprove claims with assumptions and theoretical possibilities, you can only do it with hard facts, which you are clearly uninclined to do.

The fact remains that one person can vote with multiple authenticated accounts, which completely discredits the outcome of the election.

Unless hard physical evidence is presented of legitimacy that it is not the case, the election will carry the reputation of being rigged, simple.

January 22, 2017, 14:38:32
Reply #111

I Am Dansker

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Regardless of William Occam perceiving to be very smart, you do not disprove claims with assumptions and theoretical possibilities, you can only do it with hard facts, which you are clearly uninclined to do.

The fact remains that one person can vote with multiple authenticated accounts, which completely discredits the outcome of the election.

Unless hard physical evidence is presented of legitimacy that it is not the case, the election will carry the reputation of being rigged, simple.
I cannot prove authenticity, as i did state, however i have shown evidence that suggest that it has not been manipulated (assuming you trust me as the source)

An interesting concept of security over the public internet, is that we know it isn't secure, but we still trust it enough to use it.
HTTPS with the little green icon in your browser, just means it is much less likely to be insecure" but in reality, there is a single point of failure in the HTTPS process that involves shady as fuck entities, aka Certificate Authorities. see

But still, banks trust this system "enough" to allow you to transfer huge sums of money daily.

Let me make a counter question to you.

How will you construct an election over the internet that can prove authenticity with the following requirements
  • Must not require custom client executed code
  • Does not require the purchase of the client certificate...
  • Does not require technical knowhow, e.g. port forwarding for creation of free client certificates. Not sure if such a service even exist, but it could i guess, something like LetsEncrypt.
Keep in mind, this is a game for most people.

Seems topic is locked, feel free to continue the conversation with me over pm's

January 22, 2017, 15:17:34
Reply #112


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It comes down to reputable and credible providers and not some shady hillbilly American doing it from his bed room.

As I have mentioned, functionality to perform unique IP, mac, hardware address and cookie checks will go a long way to provide legitimacy.

Currently you perform IP address logging, but you seem uninclined to review this.

The choice is yours I guess, but don't expect acceptance of the validity of the outcome, even if it is just from myself, because I can promise you you won't stop hearing about it.

I had a valid claim of concern with the election and several comments agreed to the possibility.

January 22, 2017, 15:24:44
Reply #113


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Muller, you had no valid claim of concern with the election. You provided 0 evidence or proof that election was iligitimate. You are jsut once again trying to steer things up and providing some drama.

People of fsp community voted, deal with it. If you are the only one not accepting or discrediting, to bad for you.

Now cry me a river, elections almost over. Rules will be enforced and such threads regarding the elections will be closed

January 22, 2017, 15:34:51
Reply #114


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Bez, you seem to misunderstand how this works.

I have a claim, I am challenging YOU to prove that the result is legitimate.

And my claim is completely valid considering that I am a candidate in this election.

Your tyrannic dictatorship behavior with being in power is the very thing that I am attempting to prevent, because censoring innocent people does nothing by bring the community down and chase away players.

You might as well call yourself Facebook.

Sorry, this topic is locked. Only admins and moderators can reply.

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