Author Topic: Unreliable Administration of the Teamspeak Server  (Read 47250 times)

December 16, 2016, 19:20:21
Reply #30


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Well last time this happened, both admins went afk and left turtle on his own, it was decided that it was fine as between turtle and dansker they could manage, now dansker, nora and bez + more moderators than before can't keep up?
Have a nice day :)

December 16, 2016, 20:50:12
Reply #31


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OMG Bronx is trying to quote skore,  what he said in reset meeting 3 weeks ago.
From what sources you take this percentages?

Again you talk just to be in this discution.
You really think a net is making profit from wvw? Of course your reason is not yours ,  you take others opinions that you hear in ts and come here to give us lectures.
1.i wasnt at the rest so GG. i didnt sayed it is all about wvw i sayed % the poplrstion in wvw in servers that make profite for anet but sure think what ever you like.

Skore was giving you a lecture of how wvw is working, 3-4 weeks ago in reset meeting. Of course you couldn't came up with something like this.
I try to keep a distance from you boy, since you are so clueless but I can't stand a guy like you misinforming people in a way you do.
So stand down,  lay low and let big boys talk.

December 16, 2016, 21:49:41
Reply #32


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Complaining on ts works again:D.

Tested it.

December 16, 2016, 22:36:23
Reply #33


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You all really need to read what other people comment before commenting. As Dansker said, re-election starts on January 6th. So if people feel that a certain person is inappropriate or inactive or whatever, just dont vote for them.  :)

Instead of people throwing accusations and claiming things they don't know.
Thank you

December 16, 2016, 22:47:59
Reply #34


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OK turtle situation seems to be resolved then since theres another election in Jan 6th and then people can choose to vote for AFK admins again or not :P ... as for the open tags niggera sorry mate guilds sometimes do things on EBG in smaller scale closed squads and sometimes they support tag just like the other night when I tagged up and Mr. Doc came and supported us in the fights... it happens .... sometimes if you chat command people don't follow ...

and the day you were talking about that you were leading i had 8 people in my squad in RT and we were training and we supported you..I even remember asking you to tag up blue... then you flamed me for having 8 people in our mini squad :D

Also Doc it may be true that the community may survive without one or two commanders but atleast you have some idea how to lead and you have the balls to push unlike many people ... so keep tagging up we have a good matchup and you may get a chance at another gypsy vs gypsy fight... :D

Skore you gai

Hellwound stay salty...

Also great reset tag up and people will follow even if youre inexperienced people will help you and teach you if youre not a douchebag and an annoying wanker ... that is the honest truth... I learn shit until this day... except the ability to command :P
I'm not Dudu xD

December 16, 2016, 23:08:21
Reply #35


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"the people have been complaining about lack of open tags during the day and activity so maybe we can retain activity by running some of docs legendary Karma trains and we can support commanders to tag up during the day with siege from FSPG ? or other suggestions can be made idk...."

lol if someone tags up as blue tag u wont support them at all... instead u do on same map an invissible squad and dont be at commander at all... at a map with 40 q...
same ohter shitguilds who have to do a guildraid for 1 h on eb... at prime on a map with 40q and commander who tags up cant fight...
and that shit is going on all day not to mention the people from 4 guilds who constanly whispering to tag down and u havent even started leading cause they sabotage u...

and u wonder why there are no bluetags...?
Screenshot it and please name and shame.

December 16, 2016, 23:13:02
Reply #36


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Skore was giving you a lecture of how wvw is working, 3-4 weeks ago in reset meeting. Of course you couldn't came up with something like this.
I try to keep a distance from you boy, since you are so clueless but I can't stand a guy like you misinforming people in a way you do.
So stand down,  lay low and let big boys talk.
This is honestly very poor and unnecesarry behavior by a mod setting a very bad example. Please address the matter.

December 16, 2016, 23:30:13
Reply #37


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Talking the truth sometimes feels bad

December 16, 2016, 23:39:37
Reply #38


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These things are only words, and words only hurts if you listen, and if you don't listen, whos to say anyone says anything at all? But one thing is for sure. It doesen't hurt. :)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 23:41:21 by Toxilo »

December 16, 2016, 23:47:02
Reply #39

Digition Flux

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I'm going to be closing this topic as it's getting silly here and it's just somewhat turning into Salt wars 2 over here.


December 24, 2016, 13:22:07
Reply #40


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I just gonna say about my situation.
Yes, it's true. I am kind of inactive because my working schedule moved to later workshift until 31th december. That means i am home at 21:00 (my timezone CET) und barely have any interest to "work" in my less freetime for something that is called to manage the salty spreading every day here on FSP.
I can say you, i'm not gonna stay as admin because: no interest to manage the kindergarten.

Merry X-Mas!

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