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Messages - Skore

Pages: [1] 2
Issues & Enquiries / Re: fsp don't do it
« on: October 23, 2017, 10:15:13 »
So that's how you become an aspiring thug/rapper/hip-hop artist..

epic comment

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Report progress
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:53:08 »
We spoke about this last night on TS and the conclusion/actions were basically like this:

- We informed each other on how to deal with post like this in the future, which includes:
1. not closing the thread strait away
2. moderate and clean the off topic parts instead
3. close it when it gets fully out of hand

In return it would be much appreciated if the new threads and post will be more constructive, without trolling or false accusations without prove. We are here to help and want to keep that up, but that can be done without personal attacks and name calling :)
Where is the outcome of the report?

You have stated absolutely nothing of what the original poster requested.

An administrator going off-topic, oh the irony.

Lokar stop posting using another account.

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Report progress
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:52:37 »
Turtle you reported a post that was reported already... we have already issued a first warning to that
So reports by different members for the same infringement is not allowed?

How do individual members know that others also logged reports?

Your reasoning here is not smart and strongly indicates incompetence in approach by administrative members.

Lokar stop posting using another account.

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Report progress
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:31:10 »
Lokar stop posting using another account.

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Report progress
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:28:34 »
Getting harassed in map/team chat, or poking them..that's strictly game business. What's the point of complaining here. Besides, these guys are commanders on a regular basis. No time to afk on some keep/tower and play bingo in map chat. I play casually too more often, why don't I get pushed around. It's always the same people that complain about getting roasted year in and year out.

You just have some issues against these four, as you seem to highlight their names on each post. 1v1 them on guild hall I guess ?
Is this the same people who are now in positions of power that are abusing it to have their revenge against those they despise?

I'm sure its Lokar using this account.

He is the only who writes like this........

There is no reason to release the banning reasons.

He should deal with it himself like a grow up and talk to the admins.

Its not our business.

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Report progress
« on: February 04, 2017, 18:52:19 »
I ask for my report against dudu to be known to the public now !

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Election Audit
« on: January 22, 2017, 12:48:36 »
Muller basically says that if he wins then the elections are true but if he loses then they are obviously rigged.

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Election Audit
« on: January 22, 2017, 08:03:42 »
Apparently there is someone who is dedicated enough to make 50 accounts in gw2 and verifying on this site and then voting for bez or Dudu just so you can lose the elections.

I really want to meet that dedicated imaginary person.

But it might just be that you are using too much cocaine that is increasing your paranoia.

No one would actually invest that much effort in making you lose when you are doing it for them.

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Abuse and Targeted Racism by Moderators
« on: December 20, 2016, 22:07:53 »
why was it that none of the other moderators gave me a warning but you did ... I only assume its because there is a deeper hate .... within because I am from Egypt and I am muslim ... this is really hurtful to my feelings .... all the time allaka ba on ts and noone gets a ban but dudu says Gai once and I get warning this is sad ... really really sad and painful.. it hurts me soo much

I reported you from calling me Gay because i like b**bies and i have alot of catholic friends that might get offended by that. Note that i am still fond of the gay community and gay people like Doc.

Turtle's inactivity will be our downfall.

Raise your arms and fight !!!

Turtle inactivity is a threat to FSP's ability to function as a server.

Please Kick Turtle and Hang him.

Smacktalk! / Re: New Video of yolo Fights <3
« on: November 03, 2016, 11:42:21 »
You are ignoring this user (Hellbound). Show me the post.
« Last Edit: Today at 09:50:19 by Hellbound »

Smacktalk! / Re: French player on FSP ?
« on: November 02, 2016, 11:25:00 »

That's why you never see me PPTing when we are against french servers.

Vive la France, Vive la revolution, Mort aux traitres !!

Smacktalk! / Re: New Video of FSP Fights <3
« on: October 30, 2016, 09:58:16 »
Steamrolling for the win!

Farming the opposition is always fun, just ask TT when they were camping the opposition's Garrison for that lootbag desperation and to get the winning edge, I believe Skore was there as well all too happy to see that gold counter increase.

If the oposition runs away, there is always PvE - the true loot fest.

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