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Messages - Nigra

Pages: [1]
Website Announcements / Re: Teamspeak Server Transfer
« on: April 09, 2017, 11:13:33 »
yeah!so i can use my cool kebab avatar again^^
can we have avatars on new ts-server pls?

Issues & Enquiries / Re: Speadsheet, bot reseting.
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:21:26 »
maybe in ur case its a noob filter so u send to youtube to watch vids how to play?

"the people have been complaining about lack of open tags during the day and activity so maybe we can retain activity by running some of docs legendary Karma trains and we can support commanders to tag up during the day with siege from FSPG ? or other suggestions can be made idk...."

lol if someone tags up as blue tag u wont support them at all... instead u do on same map an invissible squad and dont be at commander at all... at a map with 40 q...
same ohter shitguilds who have to do a guildraid for 1 h on eb... at prime on a map with 40q and commander who tags up cant fight...
and that shit is going on all day not to mention the people from 4 guilds who constanly whispering to tag down and u havent even started leading cause they sabotage u...

and u wonder why there are no bluetags...?

Smacktalk! / Re: New Video of yolo Fights <3
« on: November 06, 2016, 20:26:09 »
well when u have 1 condi u get 3 boons so its good booncoverage for important boons like stability when u move trough bomb etc...
btw u get healed for every boon on ur allies

Smacktalk! / Re: New Video of yolo Fights <3
« on: November 06, 2016, 20:14:05 »
ok but i will try it :D maybe i change my mind^^

Smacktalk! / Re: New Video of yolo Fights <3
« on: November 06, 2016, 19:58:55 »
with reatreat and a proper build 3 guards can each provide 3 aegis and constant swiftness to group (in summary 9 times aegis)and take a good amount of damage from ur group... but if u like to run a condicleans and a breakstun which isn needed in a group with 3 guards 1 ele and a rev then do so :D

Smacktalk! / Re: New Video of yolo Fights <3
« on: November 06, 2016, 19:41:42 »
just google for proxy youtube . watch the vid by copying youtube adress in proxyyoutubeside

i dont know what build u run but ur heal converts one condition in one boon and cleans 1 condition...
retreat would convert one condition and give 2 boons for group...
u have purging and f2 which cleans 3 and 2 conditions...
with 3 guards and one ele and 1 rev with malyx u wont need so much condicleans so i think retreat would be nicer then contemplation or smite condition...

Smacktalk! / Re: New Video of yolo Fights <3
« on: November 06, 2016, 12:28:30 »
hm looked like a tough reset :D
u had not enough people and maybe they were not in ts for good communication...
when i see the vid i can also see something which might help u.
U know that u have not the best circumstances so u should focus on creating advantages for ur group to maybe win some fights.
When the enemy commander knows exactly on which gate u push through to reach him this is a big disadvantage for ur group and when u have not equal numbers and not enough communication even a ape would whipe u there so try to avoid such situations.
open field i would not build siege but when i have slackers and not enough people to defend a garsion i would build siege...
when u have slackers in group always inform them in time what u do next it is also neccessary to have plan b when things go wrong

on public raid i think u should change contemplation of purity into retreat and for me it looks like u wait too long to use skills which would save ur life... try to make a bossgroup of 4 guards and 1 frontlinerev if u feel like u die when u push or something or ele instead of guard to build a hard to kill motherfuckergroup :D

just my 50 cent^^

hi im new to the server and i was on na server before, on europe server, german server and even on french server...
i can say exactly why people who have some experience in that game dont like u bronkx...
it takes me less than 5 minutes to see that ur skill in commanding ist not equal to someone like bezainas, docx, or the holland guy from ah...
then i see the videos ur guild an u made here in the forum and then in ts, etc i see how u behave and then i dont like u... its just simple...
maybe u should focus on ur gameplay and leeding and not in making videos or behave arrogant etc...
just play the game and try to improve and people will like u... or lets say more people will like u... cause it seems actually some already do...

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