Author Topic: WvW pugging and closed raids reactions  (Read 52160 times)

November 02, 2015, 13:06:40
Reply #15


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To be honest I never had problem with fsp pugs, the most funny open raid I had it was here on fsp, the problem is that people can use the brain, if one dude want to troll us and put a blue tag, why do you even follow him and feed the troll? It's not one dude, ok one guy putted the tag, but the rest of the people followed him. We even ported to spawn -> keep -> spawn -> keep -> sm and they were just porting with us, so you see that you cannot only blame one guy but also the others.

November 02, 2015, 13:11:50
Reply #16


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i c ur point :-(
but then again, being a pug on fsp primetime atm aint easy.
only place we can find a commander is in ebg, if tt makes a closed raid on ebg. then u lock rest of none tt ppl on ebg. ( bc blue tag cant get enogh ppl)
so far ebg has been the only bl where pugs can go and have a raid :-(
im not saying that agree with the troll ( bc imo theres room for all on fsp), im just saying this from a pugs view.

November 02, 2015, 13:13:59
Reply #17


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Always same story  or not wow.
Last meeting i heared people saying eb is for pugs and guilds need to be on borderlands.
 now people dont wanna raid new maps they go closed ebg?
So confused now.
And whwn people troll you can get trolled bqck easy as that

November 02, 2015, 13:14:45
Reply #18


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When we joined ebg there were no commander and not even queue tho.

Well as I've said in other 3d, pugs can organize themselves, otherwise if they have no commander/no raids/no nothing they cannot blame since they are "pugs", if some pugs want to raid often and improve I believe fsp guilds will recruit em like they always did.

Who did say guilds want to raid on ebg? Haiwat don't say things that NOBODY have ever said.

November 02, 2015, 13:23:31
Reply #19


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so far pugs have used ebg to get organize.

u cant as pug go bl jumping to gather ppl, some ppl who only have time to play 1-2 a week, they just want a place to go, where they can play (referring to ebg)

we cant just join a guild, where u have to raid min 3-4 times a week

November 02, 2015, 13:25:09
Reply #20


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I repeat myself again, pugs can organize themselves and make their own guilds with their own rules, I know "already cooked food" (like we say in my country) taste better, but sometimes you have to cook on your own.

November 02, 2015, 13:33:05
Reply #21


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so again, if u not in a guild, u dont get to raid ???

well imo that aint fair :-( there should be room for everyone here on fsp :-) also those who just want to hook up with other ppl who have same interest

November 02, 2015, 13:45:56
Reply #22


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Wow I'm kind of impressed by how many responses this got.

Guys, the question from my original post remains.
Can't people like PvX and be in a PvE guild, and do WvW on occasion?
Many of us don't like joining multiple guilds (mostly because almost all of them ask for 90% representing, which is impossible if you're in multiple ones), but let's say that can be worked around.
So if we can't raid 3-4 times per week, we can't be in a WvW guild, which means we can't WvW at all. Because that's what it's boiling down to.

Sure, like Rajel says, we can make a pug guild, but what's the point in making YET ANOTHER guild when there are so many WvW guilds out there to begin with. Also, things were fine before HoT, why did everything get so weird all of a sudden?

November 02, 2015, 13:50:30
Reply #23

Lokar Yakslapper

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Are you asking to me when you are part of committee?

As far as I know, I am not part of committee.

and yes yak-Kai, hasn't been busy on forum I suppose so it's finally something people can respond to :P Things get weird because many people are frustrated by new BL. I would say to just give it a couple weeks and all is back to normal.

November 02, 2015, 13:57:38
Reply #24


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Sure, like Rajel says, we can make a pug guild, but what's the point in making YET ANOTHER guild when there are so many WvW guilds out there to begin with. Also, things were fine before HoT, why did everything get so weird all of a sudden?
You know, there's this really nice "pug guild" called FSPG (Far Shiverpeaks Guild) - you're more than welcome to join for some WvW funtime :)

November 02, 2015, 13:59:39
Reply #25


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To answer your question, yes, you may like PvX and be part of a PvE guild and do WvW on occasion.
If you want to join a WvW guild to do so, you'll have to comply with their rules... usually WvW guild ask for 3 to 5 primetime raids a week attendance and some of them for a 100% guild representation (at least in WvW). If you can't afford that, you'll have to look for a more casual or cooler WvW guild, a multifield one, or you' ll have to deal with being a roamer or a pug (and follow pugs commander whenever there is one).

November 02, 2015, 14:00:04
Reply #26


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Are you asking to me when you are part of committee?

As far as I know, I am not part of committee.


By the way regarding your question, ofc pver can go wvw, I'm Mr. Nobody to say how people should play, just do not be surprised if guilds will tell you to not follow, anyway it's even more easy, if you see a Yellow tag means guild raid, so you don't even have to go and ask ;)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 14:03:23 by Rajel »

November 02, 2015, 14:04:03
Reply #27

Lokar Yakslapper

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Are you asking to me when you are part of committee?

As far as I know, I am not part of committee.


Yes so that is Dansker, Bez and Nora. I am in the rest of the team > ts moderator, merely a contact person for committee.

If you can't afford that, you'll have to look for a more casual or cooler WvW guild, a multifield one, or you' ll have to deal with being a roamer or a pug (and follow pugs commander whenever there is one).
Do we even have such guild besides FSPG? If there is then don't blame me, I don't keep up nor interested in guilds atm.

November 02, 2015, 14:05:20
Reply #28


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I don't think grammar is an option, rest of the team of the committee, so if 1+1=2 you are part of the committee.

November 02, 2015, 14:06:36
Reply #29


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Have to admit ... pugs are too toxic
you cannot give a chance or be nice  with every pug, when some of them are toxic, and follow you with an blue tag,  telling to the rest of the pugs to join your channel :)

You espect guilds to be nice ?
He He He

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