Author Topic: A warning for editing my own post?  (Read 41156 times)

February 05, 2017, 09:31:35
Read 41156 times

Lokar Yakslapper

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First of all. I already told you various times I don't accept the ridiculous poll, it's very much in favour of the admins. The whole idea of asking the population whether you are guilty or not is not how justice should be done.

Besides that. It's my own damn thread, you had no right to edit my post anyway. Only if I broke any of the rules, which I did not. Keep your hands off my post, stop changing my text.

What is the 20% even for. SOmebody explain me the logic behind those numbers.

I'm requesting Dansker or Nora to help me out here. Please explain to me whether you think the poll is fair. And if you should be punished for editing your own poll? They started with ridiculous poll options anyway. And I saw them editing the result as well. I remember an unspoken rule on ts3. If you arent allowed to edit / change the settings on something, you shouldn't have access to them. Wasnt it Alwies who told me that?

PS. if you could confirm that Recce isnt me that would be nice. I dont like to be accused of using multiple accounts. Whatever he posts, whether in favour of me or others, is entirely up to him.

February 05, 2017, 13:14:16
Reply #1

Lokar Yakslapper

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If the warning logs won't be made public anywawy. Which Dudu said they would if the poll would reach 30 votes. And I am given a warning for editing my own post. Then how is that warning justified. I expect a response on my thread.

Could I get an answer to this?  Furthermore why did an admin take actions into his own hands. Making a poll about releasing the logs, which actually seems to be winning if you check the newest poll thread. And then later making a statement that you arent going to release them anyway.

What was the purpose behind the poll. Giving me a warning for editing my own poll. Making a new poll. And then releasing a statement which voids the entire poll?

February 07, 2017, 18:04:18
Reply #2

Lokar Yakslapper

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Are the warnings given to me looked into?

You know, the ones where I get a warning for editing my own post and another for bringing activity to the forum? Some communication on the admin part would be appreciated.

February 07, 2017, 18:12:18
Reply #3


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All warnings are looked into and confirmed, and it's not activity that you bring to the forum

Kind Regards,

February 07, 2017, 19:29:23
Reply #4

Lokar Yakslapper

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And confirmed? what the heck does that mean?

Ok so.... you are giving me a warning for editing my own post? lel

February 07, 2017, 22:30:06
Reply #5


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Means the warnings had a reason of being

February 08, 2017, 09:01:46
Reply #6

Lokar Yakslapper

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Cant you just say it?

Did you give me a warning for editing my own post? I would love to hear it from you instead of this confirmed stuffs.

February 08, 2017, 11:13:56
Reply #7


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If you arent allowed to edit / change the settings on something, you shouldn't have access to them. Wasnt it Alwies who told me that?

I did say that, but it isn't relevant here.
Because we do want people to be able to edit their post(s).
But rules about what can be written on this forum do apply. It doesn't matter where the post originated from. If it's a new post, an edited one or one that appeared by magic it just doesn't matter if the content is against the rules.

So if I understood Bez, I'd say you didn't get a warning for editing your own post. As that would suggest the edit part was the fault, where in reality the (new) content of the post was the issue.

February 08, 2017, 14:14:46
Reply #8

Lokar Yakslapper

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Sooo admins can edit my post with new content, without my consent, and when I edit this myself again I'm getting a warning?

It's not a case of an admin removing bad language or threats or whatever. It's about an admin adding a poll to MY post which I did NOT want whatever the outcome. Admin did not have any right to add a poll to my post and giving me a warning for editing it. How am I here at fault?

How about admins don't involve themselves with the content of my post unless it breakes the rules? Which it obviously didn't. Eventually the entire poll was even cancelled by Nora voiding the entire poll at all.. yet my warning remains.

February 08, 2017, 14:37:03
Reply #9


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The admin added a poll in response to your request of making the logs public, he tried to make it clear how to get ur case heard and the amount of votes, but you in return decided to troll and change the poll options to fit your needs and benefict you, disresgarding the attempt to have your opinion and request "heard".

If you didn't want such poll you could have asked to remove it, (would take less time than to troll edit it) not troll it and use it to your benefict.

King Regards,

February 08, 2017, 15:50:29
Reply #10


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Sooo admins can edit my post with new content, without my consent, and when I edit this myself again I'm getting a warning?

It's not a case of an admin removing bad language or threats or whatever. It's about an admin adding a poll to MY post which I did NOT want whatever the outcome. Admin did not have any right to add a poll to my post and giving me a warning for editing it. How am I here at fault?

How about admins don't involve themselves with the content of my post unless it breakes the rules? Which it obviously didn't. Eventually the entire poll was even cancelled by Nora voiding the entire poll at all.. yet my warning remains.

I'm not familiar with all the details.
However what's clear is that they're 2 entirely different situations with the only similarity that an edit was used. But as I already explained that alone has nothing to do with why a warning was received. The content and intentions of the edit are what's the issue.
Again whether the content was bad enough, I really don't know. All I know in that regard is that the admins seem confident is was.
But saying that both cases should be treated the same because both involved an edit is flawed.

I personally don't think the admins editing your post was the perfect response. However the admins didn't impersonate you, they put their own names on adding the poll immediately.
Except disagreeing with how the admins responded to your thread, I don't really see an actual issue. In the case of disagreeing you can give feedback to the admins but they have no reason to change there ways just because 1 person disagrees with them.

Also the task of admins is to manage the forums, if they feel a poll adds to an discussion they definitely have the right as managers of the forum to add one even if they didn't create the thread, as long as they make clear that they added it and not you.
If you disagree I recommend getting some good arguments and support to convince the admins to change policy.
But this doesn't seem like a good reason to change anything from my perspective.

February 08, 2017, 16:54:14
Reply #11

Lokar Yakslapper

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So Betsy,

Me stating various times I do not want to poll and regardless the outcome I would not accept it is not enough?

It's also pretty dumb that one admin takes some crappy action of adding a poll and then the next comes in. yea forget the poll, its a no anyway.


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