Author Topic: WvW pugging and closed raids reactions  (Read 52145 times)

November 02, 2015, 10:35:20
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Ok so,
First off, I haven't been in WvW that much since HoT hit, so this might not be an accurate view of things, but it's what I've experienced, and as someone who loves this server, I experience this as a problem.
Since HoT hit, the WvW TS channels have been more abandoned than the wasteland in the fallout games, even during prime time. Ok, I get that, new content etc, mastery gating and whatnot.

Then when I go to EB anyway (which still has a 10+ queue) to have a look around, and I see a tag, it's only natural that I go to the tag, right?
Apparently, going to that tag and following it gets me thrown insults (I'm not going to name people here, I've seen these people around a lot, and I know they are respected members of the community, which is probably for a reason. I don't see it as my task to call them out, it's just a few incidents vs so many good things in the past.) for not being in their guild, that I'm disturbing their closed raid and that I should go back to PvE like the scrub I am.

I'm sorry, but I find this very disturbing, considering how friendly and welcoming the FSP WvW community was before HoT hit.
Can I not be a PvX player, that has a very nice PvE guild, and still enjoy WvW when I feel like it? Do I really have to get shood away and insulted for not being in the top WvW guilds?

As I said, I'm not gonna call people out, it's not my place to do that. But I do hope this attitude changes, rather sooner than later, because right now I don't even feel like joining TS let alone join EB to see who's commanding.

November 02, 2015, 10:47:25
Reply #1

Lokar Yakslapper

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Can I not be a PvX player, that has a very nice PvE guild, and still enjoy WvW when I feel like it? Do I really have to get shood away and insulted for not being in the top WvW guilds?
Simple answer, no you don't but it's the case lately. Guilds apparently don't like the new borderlands and thus go EB, which is something I can't blame them for nor do I find unreasonable. People are allowed to play what they want, how they do it is different story.

In my case it was a guild on EB closed raiding, not signing themselves up for the spreadsheet. When following this closed raid they ask us to fuck off and get our own open commander. Who is in queue thanks to their closed raid. If you have the balls to close raid on EB without signing up, getting our commander in queue then accept the consequences like a man of us following you.

About the question whether it will change, no. Not until guilds are going to the normal borderlands again, and that is their own choice to do. Their behaviour is person and guild depending, not all are like that. The ones that are, won't change nor care.

November 02, 2015, 11:10:45
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A closed raid is a closed raid; you don't follow without their consent.

I don't get why a closed raid should "accept the consequences" of having a closed raid... even if they did not sign up on a spreadsheet and even if the pugs commander is queueing.

*pug speaking btw*

November 02, 2015, 11:15:15
Reply #3

Lokar Yakslapper

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So everybody should move out of their way, unable to play properly without commander just because one guild didn't care to sign up? If they don't want to follow our community rules, they don't exactly have right to complain when we don't either. Whether it's justified or not, is another discussion.

November 02, 2015, 11:23:11
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no offense but having a closedguild raid in eb is just selfish imo.
eb is only place for pug to go primetime, bl are full of guilds, so no chance to tag blue, and get a group who can fight anything.
so if guild raid EB, they take mb 20-30 spots aleast, leaving a blue tag with not enogh ppl to fight the blobs:-(, so if guild raid on eb, they should atleast make it a open raid imo

November 02, 2015, 11:34:15
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Well in last days we did raid in bls and it happened so many times to see pugs following us and it starts to be annoying since these people are from known guilds, I understand there are no more public for now, but it's not an excuse to follow a guild raid. Also if a guild do not signup on EBG spreadsheet you should speak with someone from committee regarding that.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 11:35:50 by Rajel »

November 02, 2015, 11:37:24
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I think that's pretty childish to say "I won't respect them 'cause I think they don't respect me or pugs"; "respect" is pretty subjective in here.

The guild may want to be part of the community... or not; guild may want to coexist peacefully with the community... or not.

edit : +1 Rajel.

November 02, 2015, 11:43:11
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no offense but having a closedguild raid in eb is just selfish imo.
eb is only place for pug to go primetime, bl are full of guilds, so no chance to tag blue, and get a group who can fight anything.
so if guild raid EB, they take mb 20-30 spots aleast, leaving a blue tag with not enogh ppl to fight the blobs:-(, so if guild raid on eb, they should atleast make it a open raid imo

Yeah this was how it was pre HoT.
Ok, I understand, closed raid is closed raid (even though I don't really see the point in closed raids, more people = more firepower, but I guess that's not the correct logic here, my bad for being a pug  :) )
I also understand that the new borderlands are unfamiliar, but if you're in a closed raid with people you know, figuring out the new borderland shouldn't be a problem, right? Anet put A LOT of work in the new borderlands, I refuse to believe that they are bad, more just unfamiliar after 3 years of having the other ones.

If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me here.

Roïs: I can't speak for every pug here, but for me personally, I always ask 'open or closed' when I enter a WvW map, if they would just reply 'closed, but x comm will be tagging up later', sure, good luck and enjoy the fights, but going 'its closed you blind fool, go back to pve you scrub' is just VERY disrespectful no matter HOW you look at it.

November 02, 2015, 11:53:37
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Roïs: I can't speak for every pug here, but for me personally, I always ask 'open or closed' when I enter a WvW map, if they would just reply 'closed, but x comm will be tagging up later', sure, good luck and enjoy the fights, but going 'its closed you blind fool, go back to pve you scrub' is just VERY disrespectful no matter HOW you look at it.
If you politely ask, then ofc they should/could answer the same way; if you follow without asking anything, they could ask not to follow in a polite way too... but life is life, not everybody (pugs or guild members) can or want to speak courteously; but that's not a reason to act the same way, imo.

November 02, 2015, 12:21:50
Reply #9


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@Yai-Kai, you have to take things lightly. When someone says "its closed you blind fool, go back to pve you scrub", he is clearly trying to tell you not to following them while trying to be humorous referring to HoT and not insulting you :D.

November 02, 2015, 12:34:59
Reply #10

Lokar Yakslapper

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Also if a guild do not signup on EBG spreadsheet you should speak with someone from committee regarding that.
Who would that actually be now? Bez?

November 02, 2015, 12:45:46
Reply #11


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Are you asking to me when you are part of committee?

Also I would be carefull to defend pugs, because we tried to raid on ebg the previous matchup since the bls was dead and one pug started to follow us with the blue tag, I asked him politely via whisp to stop following with a tag and instead he was typing in map chat to follow him when he was 100% on our back, it's pointless to defend pugs and it's pointless to accuse/defend guilds, let's behave like adults and these problem wont happen.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 12:47:45 by Rajel »

November 02, 2015, 12:59:43
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it's pointless to defend pugs and it's pointless to accuse/defend guilds

ahhh Rajel, i know u dont mean that :-)

that said, i just hope we can find away, where guild + pugs can get along ( also in ebg)
so i hope we can diskuss this in a mature way :-)

November 02, 2015, 13:01:50
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How can I defend pugs when one dude putted a blue tag to get all pugs on us for like 1 hours +? Just reminding that guilds are made of people as well and that hour raid in ebg was horrible for my guildies, one more reason to not make public raid anymore, if pugs wants to annoy FSP commanders they will have no public raid, easy.

November 02, 2015, 13:04:33
Reply #14


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bc its one guy ( as ive read it ?) so no reason to put all pugs under that banner
we are lots of adult /friendly pugs on fsp who just want to play and have fun.

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