[MA] Mantle AssasinsAbout the Guild: Mantle Assasins is a small international (Based primarily in Europe, with additional members from the US, Canada & South Africa) Guild Wars 2 Community. We consist of a mature & level headed player-base who have similar goals within the Guild Wars 2 Universe. We originally formed in Guild Wars 1 in 2005 & have been playing underneath our MA tag ever since, the majority of our current members joined us in 2006, & we have remained a solid community since. The misspelling is done purposefully with Assasins (Should be Assassins), this came down to a typo 9 years ago when we originally formed. We set up a community poll prior to the release of GW2 to see if the Guild wanted to mend the typo. The end result was the majority being in favour of us keeping the typo, as they classed it as part of our heritage, & people felt it played a big part towards the many great experiences we had created for each other over the years. We dabble in all things PvX, varying from PvE, PvP, WvW & self-made Guild Events. We also offer our own Website, Forums, TeamSpeak3 Server & a Minecraft Server (for the Creative among us!). The [MA] Way: Something that we started back in the early days of Guild Wars 1, was what we dubbed "The [MA] Way". To sum this up in a meaning, within MA we do not aim to be #1 in PvP, WvW or Dungeons, we aim to create the best experience we can in a laid-back atmosphere & have a laugh while we're at it. The team gets wiped? We just laugh in the face of team wipes, get back up & jump right back in without all the aggro & rage you get from a lot of other guilds out there! Although don't get the wrong idea, we're very good working together as a community, but without the tension of being criticized if you or we muck up ![]() Recruitment: We do not recruit heavily, allowing time for new members to settle in & get to know the members before we recruit more. This also benefits those who are already in the guild as it gives us the time we need to get to know our new members well before bringing in any new faces & getting to know them. This system has served us well, giving everyone a chance to know everyone. To make an application, simply head over to the "Apply Here" section of our website to get started! Applications are handled by the Officers & Leader of the Guild. Requirements: - Players of the Guild Wars 2 Community to preferably be aged 18+ - Players of our Guild are to represent us at all times* - Exceptions can be made given good reason, such as if you have a guild just for your irl friends and guilds for bank storage - Players are to register on our website & make an application when looking to be recruited. - All new recruits have a sit down & chat session with an Officer or the Leader of the Guild. - It is preferable that our members have TeamSpeak3 installed & are willing to use it. |
Re: Guild Wars 2 PvP [Scrapper] "Unbreakable"
Last Poster: Dicicco in PvE / PvP General on July 12, 2019, 11:50:30 Re: WMK (Crevo) needs access
Last Poster: I Am Dansker in Issues & Enquiries on February 22, 2019, 20:34:43 Can I get an invite into FSPG?
Last Poster: shiva.devaux in Issues & Enquiries on February 05, 2019, 10:48:48 |